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Gowrie Municipal Utilities


Located at 1102 Main Street, Gowrie, IA  | Phone: 515-352-3065. 

Provides Water, Sewer, Electricity and Garbage pickup.


Water Service


It is the responsibility of the home builder to install the water line from the house to the city service line in the street. If a tap on the city service line is required, the tap will be installed by the utility and the builder’s contractor. The service line that extends from the tap to the curb box (at the property line) must be ¾” copper or larger. The curb box provides and external shut off for water line to the house. The water line from the curb box to the residence may be plastic (PVC) or copper of a size desired by the builder. A water meter must be purchased from the utility at an approximate cost of $280.00. The utility assumes the responsibility for all future maintenance of the water meter.


Deposit requirements may be satisfied by providing a letter of credit from the owner’s previous electrical provider. (Most likely, this has been done in applying for electrical service.)

Current charges for water service are $25.00 minimum per month plus $7.00 for each 1,000 gallons used plus $.10 per 1,000 gallons for water tower maintenance.


Comment: Gowrie Municipal Utilities currently obtains its water supply from two deep wells. Water is periodically tested for purity and contaminants. Disruptions of water service have been infrequent and brief.


Sewer Service


It is the responsibility of the home builder to install the sewer line from the house to the City service line in the street. (This includes the connection or tap to the City line.) The material used for the line may be vitreous clay tile or plastic (PVC). It is illegal to discharge sump pump drains or gutter drains into the sanitary sewer system. There may be some unpaid sewer assessments on some undeveloped residential lots. Original sewer assessments were waived or reduced for some undeveloped lots. Check with the utility office to determine if a particular lot has any unpaid assessments.


Deposit requirements may be satisfied by providing a letter of credit from the owner’s previous electrical provider. (Most likely, this has been done in applying for electrical service.)


The current charge for sewer service is 100% of monthly water charge for the residence.


Comment: The Gowrie sewer plant was modernized in the 1980’s. The operation of the plant is monitored by a certified full time employee of the Gowrie Utilities. Currently the storm sewer is being expanded on the northwest side of town.


Electric Service


Gowrie Municipal Utilities will provide an above ground service line to any new house. The utility will pay all costs for an above ground service line including the meter loop and meter. The meter loop is to be installed by the builder’s electrical contractor according to the building codes of Gowrie and costs are billed by the contractor to the utility. If the builder desires underground service, this involves additional costs and responsibilities for the builder. The builder should inquire directly with the utility for details.


A deposit or letter of credit from the builder’s current or previous electric provider will be required.


Current charges for electrical service are $20.00 residential and $24.00 commercial per month connection fee plus 11.5 cents per kilowatt hour used. 


Comment: Gowrie Municipal Utilities currently buys power from outside sources. However, a local service crew provides maintenance and service which allows service problems to be addressed quickly. In addition, the utility has local generating ability when power from outside suppliers is disrupted. Therefore, service disruption tends to be infrequent and of short duration.


Garbage Service

Cost: Garbage service is mandatory for residents of the City of Gowrie. Businesses may contact TCB Sanitation (Tim Blair) directly at 515-354-5570 for garbage removal. TCB Sanitation currently picks up garbage on Monday. Should a holiday fall on Monday, then garbage service is Thursday of the same week. Holidays include: Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.


Blair Sanitation does the curbside recycling (included in the monthly charge) on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month.

Current charge for residential garbage pickup is $21.25/month (paid a month in advance).


Iowa One Call: 1-800-292-8989
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